Staring this recap off by saying a huge thank you to every client, subscriber, customer, and supporter that made this past year possible! I am beyond grateful that you all share the same love for this project that I do. Grateful for every message, comment, and share that you contributed. Most importantly, for all of the wonderful humans I have had the immense blessing of building relationships with in 2024. You inspire me and you are the fuel of the 50 in 50 Project. FebruaryThis first mural of the year comes in at my largest mural yet, at roughly 400ft long. This mountain range along N Monroe Ave in my hometown of Covington, VA was the first of 6 projects I had the pleasure of working on here. This stretch of wall has much more in store in the upcoming years & is a part of a much larger dream I have for Downtown Covington. The response and excitement that I felt from the announcement of this mural completely jump-started the year for me. Working with the City of Covington, Allen Dressler, and local organizations has been a dream come true. MarchMarch was full of firsts! From working with the Allegany Highlands Regional Library to Live event painting at The Old Town Covington Tea Party. I worked on giveaway commissions, local creative events, and finalized my summer schedule for the #50in50project. I also had the pleasure of restoring this Farmers Market Mural! AprilApril had three community events, a live Easter Service Painting in Roanoke, VA, and the start of my work with the Fincastle Branch Library. Completing a 2 year partnership with BOCO Libraries!
May & JuneI hit the road for the first time in 2024 at the end of May heading straight for Paris.... Illinois ! Working with the Paris Improvement Organization to complete the 50in50 Project mural for the state! Spending the trip in the stunning Twin Lakes Park (pictured below). JulyI started the month off with some personal work. From my parent's front porch all the way to my family heritage in Ohio. I was able to paint live during a family wedding & create this welcome sign for a church that past generations of my family helped to start. July was also the start of my trip through New England working with incredible businesses and organizations throughout Massachusetts - Lee celebrates new mural highlighting town features - The Berkshire Edge , & New York - Jay Entertainment & Music Society . I worked on a new project every week in July and created over 20 pieces of work in the span of 4 and half weeks. I met incredibly talented people, had once in a lifetime conversations, and visited landscapes that I will never forget. Ate great food at the Starving Artist Cafe & Creperie , took a historic tour of the The Lee Library . Visited the The Clark - Home and toured the home my Massachusetts mural inspiration at High Lawn Farm! I don't have enough time in the world to explain just how amazing my time was in Massachusetts and New York. Good thing there will be a documentary about it ;) August
My time working with the Executive Director, Stephanie Drews-Sheldon, had a lasting impact on my personal and professional life. From almost a year's worth of planning to her communication and warm welcome upon my arrival. Hearing about the true heart behind River Arts and experiencing it firsthand through each person I came in contact with during my time in Vermont. If you are looking to have an impact on your community through access to art & creative space...I highly suggest taking a look at what River Arts | Community Arts Center | has accomplished! In August I traveled from Morrisville, VT to Winter Harbor, ME where I had the pleasure of working with Sky at Sea Schoodic Kayak & Bike Rental . Completing state number 14/50 for the project. My time in Maine was unforgettable. I set up my easel and pulled out my paints most days that I spent in the state. Creating the 'Maine Collection' On my way through New Hampshire I had the chance to catch up with a friend and talented musician, Nickie Calhoun. Who inspires me frequently! After my trip to Winter Harbor & my stay with Nickie I made my way back to Vermont for the Mural Unveiling ... SeptemberSeptember was the end of my New England trip and after two and half months on the road I finally started my journey home. Just in time to paint during this beautiful wedding at Cliff View for the Sparks! I also worked with Olde Town Covington to create this interactive mural in the new Alley Gallery! Traveling from Virginia to Indiana just a few days later to work with Possibilities in Paoli to complete mural 15/50 for the project! The final #50in50project mural for 2024. Working with an amazing group of volunteers who made my time in Indiana one of my favorites of the year. I was able to paint these panels for the town square that captured the landscape of Hoosier National Forest while incorporating the music history of the town. I can honestly say the natural beauty of Paoli was as surprising as it was breathtaking. Artist in Paoli for 50 murals in 50 states project; mural will be unveiled during Square Arts Festival | Southern Indiana Business Report OctoberOctober was packed with pleasant surprises. From painting at my elementary school best friend's wedding... To taking on my most technically challenging mural yet... NovemberWorking with the City of Covington to create this 'Artist Garden' a mural collaboration between 6 local artists. It was the thrill of the year for me. Witnessing such talented and unique artists bring bland concrete walls to life. DecemberDecember was quiet with a snowy giveaway for my online community, completing personal work inspired by fond memories, and finishing out the year with an enchanted forest mural for the Eagle Rock Public Library. Thank You!I can't begin to express all of the gratitude I have... 2024 has been a dream come true working on a total of 84 paintings. I am beyond blessed to wake up every day and do the work that I do. It simply wouldn't be possible without each of you. Here's to more artwork and new connections in 2025!
With love, Cheyenne Renee
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Lee, Massachusetts 11/50 for the #50in50project This mural is located on the side of the Meow & Growl pet store on Main Street in Downtown Lee. I first connected with Sabrina Touhey & Christopher Brittian with the Town of Lee in February of this year. After a few calls and emails back and forth, they were excited to welcome the 50 in 50 Project to their area of Massachussets. They got me in touch with the Lee Chamber of Commerce where I continued my work with the Chamber Executive Director, Kathy DeVarennes. Who went above and beyond to make my experience in Lee unforgettable! The chamber group guided the inspiration for this piece. They wanted to incorporate recognizable landmarks and features from the town. Mentioning things like the historic church steeple, the old mill, the Housatonic River, and High lawn Farm. I pulled references from their town website to create the main scene of this mural...things like the cotton candy colored sunset and the street posts/flower baskets. The mural itself took about roughly 25hrs of painting at about 8ft tall by 14ft wide Big shout out to this beauty.... Lady Jean P. from High Lawn Farm! Who is one of the main features in this piece. I had the pleasure of doing a tour of the farm and meeting her in person! Can't recommend putting High Lawn on your bucket list, whether to see the animals or taste the ice cream! You can't go wrong. Thank you so much to the Lee Chamber of Commerce for making this mural possible! I am so grateful for the opportunity to work on such a fun piece. I couldn't have had a more genuinely incredible experience.
& Big thank you to appetito lee for hosting the Unveiling gathering this afternoon & serving delicious food! And of course to ~ Chris Brittain (Town Administrator) &Sabrina Touhey who took a chance on a proposal email from me back in January! &Lee Chamber Doug Bagnasco(President) and Erik Williams(vice president) Kathy DeVarennes, Executive Director of the Lee Chamber of Commerce who coordinated and made this piece possible! Some closer shots of the mural here in Paris!
Paris Population: 8,291 Established in 1826 Mural is 8ft tall x 22ft wide at the Twin Lakes Park Pavilion. Inspired by the history of the park, including details like the rides that used to be a staple here as well as the memorable paddle boats. Highlighting what that park continues to offer- festivals, boating, fishing, and amazing views! The park also has Daisy Mae's , a mini golf course, live music, the Splash Park, and some of the best wildlife ! This mural is the backdrop to the pavilion stage & I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to have the work be a part of the many events that are held here. The goal of this mural was to represent the fond memories & rich history that Twin Lakes has for many people in the community while also capturing the vibrant/fun place it still is. I am beyond thankful to the Paris Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism for connecting me with the Paris Improvement Organization . With an extra shout-out to Callie Keys for taking the steps to make Paris the Illinois location for the #50in50project . Making Illinois state number 10 in the project and the first of many to be completed this summer! Thank you to Paris Illinois Parks for being welcoming & to the entire town of Paris for supporting this there is something so special about #smalltownusa
Mt Vernon, IA is the 5th mural in my #50in50project ; the mural itself is located on the Cornell College campus. This piece was completed July 2022 & was a chance opportunity that occurred when another mural location ended up rescheduling last minute.
But enough about the project. Let's talk about why you should plan a visit to Mt Vernon .. ....Iowa?
Simply wonderful
If you love vacations that include downtown shopping, quiet restaurants, outdoor recreation, and historic landmarks. Mt Vernon is for you. Between the walkable downtown shopping and good coffee (check out Fuel - trust me) you are bound to have a peaceful weekend getaway! Not to mention the best antique store I've been in - to date. Polly Ann's featured above. Rest & Relaxation is not hard to find in Small Town America. One drive through Iowa backroads at sunset with the windows down will confirm that for you. Not to mention a change in landscape if you are from the east or west coast!
WHY Iowa?
If you are anything like me and had never actually been to Iowa(before this trip). Here are some fun facts: Iowa is home to the world's largest strawberry, we have Iowa to thank for sliced bread, there are more hogs chilling in Iowa than people, and Iowa is home to the incredible bike festival Ragbrai - where you can bike and drink your way across the entire state with about 8,000 other humans! Mt Vernon, IA is home to the Chalk the Walk festival and if you are looking to have fun - you should plan your stay around it! I will be visiting for 2023 or 2024 myself!
Iowa is a hidden gem, that I am grateful to have discovered, but Mt Vernon is one of the coolest small towns I've ever been to. Between the Cornell College Public Libray - Cole Library , the historic Kings Chapel, and the recognizable American Gothic Barn. The free-to-visit sites are heard me right, FREE. & as a hobby - photographer myself these locations lend themselves to inspirtion!
That leads me into the selling point for you. Affordability. Let's hear some numbers. Iowa ranks 8th in the country for cheapest gas prices (avg/year-round $3/gal), food in Mt Vernon cost us about $10/person at sit-down restaurants, and finding gifts and unique items while shopping downtown was easily done on a budget of $20-$30 for the trip! If you stay for a night at theBlyth Cottage Inn (where I stayed & would recommend) depending on availability and time of year you would be paying around $97 a night. & that's for an unforgettable experience! If you book a few weeks in advance, you can easily find a stay for $90/night or under on sites like Airbnb & Expedia. If you are into the outdoors and enjoy camping Palisades State Park is your best option. You can stay with full hook-ups for under $20/night or at a cabin for $50-$80/night. I am a little partial to mother nature myself...
Mt Vernon comes alive during Cornell's school-year with students from all around the world. Their campus is a short 0.6mi walk from downtown, the local laundromat, bank, coffee shops, and restaurants. From local parades, Farm Events, and hot air balloons.... You a destined to have a memorable trip.
If you a sucker for road trips to new places, surprising adventures, and friendly small towns Mt Vernon, IA is for you! Mark it on your map here: Mt Vernon Iowa
I finished the final brush strokes 09/28/2022 on mural #6 of the #50in50project ! I am in love with the design we came up with & I can say with certainty that Jordan and I are in love with Gardnerville, NV.
Gardnerville, there are no words to explain how amazing this has been! But I'm going to try anyway. This has been 9days start-finish. Starting with an incredible first meeting with Jen Nalder (Jen, you're AWESOME!) walking around downtown and learning so much about the history of this area. That first meeting inspired everything from design to last brush strokes & without Jen Nalder and Geoff Lacost from @mainstreetgardnerville.... this piece wouldn't have been possible! When I arrived, the structure was still being built..... I blinked and it was completed and primmed for me to begin! Thank you to Eric Matus, Geoff, Carson Valley Groundwork, Curtis and Sons, and Erik Nilssen for all of your hard work! Without you this piece literally could not have been completed! Massive thank you to everyone here in Gardnerville for being so kind and welcoming! Thank you to the amazing owners of The Historian Inn for sponsoring our first few nights! After 40hrs on the road we needed that rest and your hospitality! We are so grateful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! This is not meant to sound like a shout-out post, but it didn't feel right to post the final photos without including the people who really made it happen. I have felt from the beginning of this project that the relationships and communities were going to be the biggest wow-factor for me, and I am turning out to be right. Beyond what I thought originally! I am so blessed to be able to share my work in this way and to get to know all of you! P.S. Thank you to my aunt LeAnna for nominating Gardnerville! It started with you!!! Main Street Gardnerville #thehistorianinngardnerville #nevada #cheyennerenee #gardnervillenevada #50in50project #painting50muralsacrossall50staes |
January 2025
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